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Happy Minyan is a Modern Hasidic shul in the heart of Pico-Robertson, Los Angeles. Join us for a deeply meaningful, joyous and musical prayer experience in a place of non-judgment and inclusion. Going to shul at Happy is something we look forward to–even crave.


Come as you are. Connect. Feel uplifted.

Shabbat Parshat Vayak'hel, Parshat Parah, 5785

Friday, March 21

Candle Lighting 6:48 PM

Mincha & Kabalat Shabbat 6:15 PM

Saturday, March 22

Torah insights with David Sacks 8:30 AM

Shacharis 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Kiddush 12:00PM - 1:00PM 

Mincha 6:10 PM

Shaloshudes 6:35 PM

Maariv 7:30 PM 

Shabbos Concludes 7:44 PM

Upcoming Events

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Weekly Classes

For the latest updates, news and links, please join our Happy Minyan WhatsApp Group HERE




David Sacks’ Spiritual Tools For An Outrageous World - every Sunday at 10:30AM

In person and online

(New link will be posted on WhatsApp)

Meeting ID: 851 5432 1369

Password: 339462




Insights with Rebbetzen Olivia Schwartz - Online

8:00PM, Every Wednesday - Live on Facebook, and recorded to view at any time



Thursdays - *on hiatus*

In Their Memory With Rabbi Shlomo Seidenfeld - Online

8:00PM, Every Thursday


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The Happy Minyan

A Modern Hasidic Carlebach Shul in the heart of Pico Robertson. Dedicated to Prayer, love, and unity.


Phone: 310-269-6291

501(C)3 EIN: 95-4668184

Quick Links

Fri, March 21 2025 21 Adar 5785