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Soul Spa for Fire Survivors & Friends

Sunday, March 2, 2025 2 Adar 5785

1:00 PM - 4:00 PMThe Happy Minyan

HOT MAMALAH - Soul spa for Fire Survivors & Friends

Honoring Nancy and Chance Cohen and Harriet Glaser and Family

Mini Spa Retreat
Delicious Eats and Take Home Treats
Mindfulness & Torah Workshops

Guests will receive a copy of the book, Hot Mamalah, which celebrates the awesomeness of being a Jewish women!

1-4 PM
$36 / PERSON

$36 registration includes "afternoon tea", refreshments, sweet & savory bites, a copy of the book, Hot Mamalah, which celebrates everything awesome about being a Jewish woman and other soulful nurturing delights!

Special presentations include gifts to our fire survivor members of Happy Minyan with donations from La Gondola and other establishments, plus musical guests leading a song circle of support, a mindfulness experience, a workshop on Torah, spirituality and creativity, a demo on making homemade scented candles and a "spa-inspired DIY activity" to create a signature scent and personalized bookmark.

Registration via PayPal to
Select "Payment to Friends"

Sponsorships available.

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Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785